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Note taking app

16 Aug 2024

I want to be able to type a key combination on my PC and immediately start typing a note, no matter what else I was working on before. The note should appear in a new window instantaneously (seemingly), and should be “saved” automatically. The note should automatically be assigned a good title. None of this “Untitled 1” nonsense.

The above is most important. I wonder how hard it would be to make it fast enough on contemporary operating systems. It’d be valuable enough to me to determine my choice of (non-work) system. Once I have it, it’d be nice to also have:

At some point, it would be lovely if these notes inluded a link to the document that was in focus when they were created, in the spirit of iOS quick notes. Even better would be for them to be easily accessible from that document. In particular, a web browser could show them as a type of hyperlink, like Hypothesis does.

Update: mac comes close with its Quick Note functionality, keystroke is fn-q by default, and customizable. Some integration with Chrome, slightly nicer with Safari.